USW Students at Cardiff and Vale College


If you’re studying a University of South Wales course through Cardiff and Vale College this page gives you all the links you'll need to use during your time on the course. After the links you'll find  an overview of the responsibilities and contacts for both institutions.

USW Web Links

USW Icons


UniLearn (Blackboard)
USW's Virtual Learning Environment.

USW Library Access USW's Library Resources.

Referencing Most USW courses require students to use the Harvard Referencing Style. Make sure you're familiar with the Referencing Guides for your course.

USW Enrolment
All USW Students have to enrol (register) with the University of South Wales. You can do this online.

End-of-Year Results

You will need your USW student ID to access the results service.

Extenuating Circumstances
If something unexpected affects your ability to suceed at an assessment, you can apply for extenuating circumstances.

Academic Appeals
If you think someone made an error in the mark recorded for your work, or there have been irregularities in the written instructions or the conduct of exams, you can make an Academic Appeal.

Student Casework
A brief guide to University regulations and procedures for Student Casework.

USW Graduations

Find out all you need to know about our Graduation Ceremonies.

Advice & Services

USW Advice Zones

USW's Advice Zones can help with queries about appeals, extenuating circumstances and other academic matters.

USW Progression Bursary
We offer our Progression Bursary to students who choose to top up their USW HND or foundation degree to a full honours degree at one of our USW campuses.

USW Careers
You can access the full range of careers support and services.

Study Skills Resources
Access USW's Study Skills guides and resources. For study skills support with a tutor, please contact your college.

USW Regulations and Policies
USW's regulations, policies and procedures set out the rules and expectations that the University and its students are expected to adhere to.

Internet & IT

Reset your USW password
If you've forgotten your password, or if it has expired, you can reset it online.

Your USW Email Account 
As a USW student, you have an Office 365 account which includes Outlook Mail, Outlook Calendar, OneDrive online storage, Office applications and more.


USW Students' Union

The Students' Union is there to represent your interests.

Course Reps
USW Students' Union's guidance for Course Reps.

CAVC Web Links

CAVC Web Links


Your Courses on Moodle
If your tutors use Moodle for learning materials, you'll find them here.

Library Resources
Don't forget to look for e-books as well as the library catalogue of paper books.

Advice & Services

Student Services

If you have any problem or question, CAVC's Customer Services will be able to offer you advice and support.

Careers and Ideas
Careers and Ideas are there to help CAVC students with any careers advice queries.

Additional Learning Needs
Find out how the College can support learners with disabilities, sensory impairments, autistic spectrum conditions or mental health issues.

Cardiff and Vale College International offers a full time support programme for our learners.

Policies and Procedures
For anything that isn't an academic matter, CAVC policies and procedures apply to you. For academic matters, USW policies and procedures apply.



Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)

Internet & IT

Your CAVC Email Accont

As a student based in CAVC, you have a personal Office 365 account, which includes an Outlook email account and more.

Reset your CAVC Password
You'll have to do this at least once every 100 days (and if you forget your password).


Learner Voice

Make your voice heard and find out what CAVC did in response to your feedback.

Students' Union
Representing you.

University of South Wales

Our Responsibilities

As a student on one of our courses, here’s what we’ll be doing for you:

  • After you’ve enrolled, we’ll confirm your status to your student loan provider (if you have applied). Check the progress of your student finance confirmation online.
  • We’re accrediting your course, so our academic policies apply. That includes
    • Extenuating Circumstances and Fit to Sit policy
    • Interruption of Studies
    • Academic complaints and appeals
  • USW handles quality assurance of the course, and handles second-marking, external examiners and award boards (which finalise grades at the end of the academic year)
  • You can access our library's resources.
  • Every enrolled student has a USW IT account. This includes a student email address and storage through Office 365. 
  • Your end-of-year results are managed by us
  • When you complete your studies, you can graduate at one of our graduation ceremonies

Got a question about USW’s services?

Email [email protected].

Cardiff and Vale College

Our Responsibilities

As a student at our college, here’s what we’ll be doing for you:

  • Our tutors teach the classes and mark your work
  • Our tutors will tell you how to access learning materials for your modules online
  • Our tutors will tell you how to submit work
  • Our Customer Services will advise you about any non-academic matter
  • We administer the CAVC HE Bursaries scheme.
  • You can access our library's resources
  • Every enrolled student has a CAVC IT account,
    • this includes a student email address through

Got any question about CAVC’s services? Email [email protected] or phone 02920 250250